Alexia Bartlett is kindly donating the money raised from her latest novel “From the viewpoint of a starling”. She describes the book as “a dark, comic tale of hope and ambition. Revolving around the main theme of music, the story seeks to reflect both the comedy and tragedy of life in a rural backwater. It is a depiction of sub-suburban life, and a comment on the place that defines us.”

From the Viewpoint of a Starling’ New Comic Novel by Alexia Bartlett
She started writing the book two years ago, with the aim of contributing proceeds to Himalayan Children. As a teacher at Richard Huish College in Taunton, she actively supports the education of young people. She says : “I think this charity is vital in its work of developing the lives of students who might not normally have access to furthering education skills.”
The book is priced at £4.99, and 400 copies have been printed. 100% of the money raised will be going straight to the charity.
The book is available through Gail, or use the Contact page on this site to request a copy.
Very many thanks to Alexia for this very kind thought – we are in awe of anyone who writes a novel, and in particular of someone who writes to help others. The book is written under the name A. C. Vernon.