Our annual walk
Sunday 27th September was the date of this year’s annual fund raising walk and once again the weather was good to us.
It was a lovely sunny day, not too hot. Although we were offered two ‘opt out’ routes, most opted to do the full route and complete the full 8 mile circuit but there was a sting in the tail – in that the steepest paths were kept till last.
The route offered a number of fabulous views of the Bristol Channel which, although still grey, sparkled in the sunshine. Wales looked almost swimmable distance, but no-one took the plunge.
Once again, Gail set up refreshment stops, which were very welcome. After the (relatively) early start the egg baps at the first stop were a welcome surprise. A number of other walking groups also enjoyed these, and were surprised to be offered a cup of tea in fancy china cups, with saucers – they were generous with their donations!!
This was in the delightful village of Bossington, from where it was a short stroll down to the beach, and its pill boxes. Near the Memorial to the 8 men who crewed an American bomber that crashed in thick fog in the area in 1942, we came across a small group putting out chairs on the marshes, in preparation for a dance performance later that day by 4 young children. We hope a good crowd came to support them.
The flat walk soon changed, as we turned inland before reaching Porlock Weir. Here, we walked back up to Porlock through the woods, with occasional glimpses back to the beach, the Channel and Wales.
We finished in the excellent Whortleberry Tearooms, for welcome refreshments, and to exchange thoughts on the difficulty level of the route. All agreed it had once again been an excellent walk. It would not have been possible without, Gail, and her trusty band of helpers, including Emma Lower, Debbie Coles and Chris Weeks – we thank them for their excellent cakes. Thanks, too, to Casey, who always helps with a smile, and to Rose, who together coped with the rudimentary facilities to produce delicious egg baps. Thank you, too, Bric, Gail Donaldson and Sheila who checked out the route, and double checked the instructions. And, of course, thanks to all the lovely supporters, who make it all possible. We raised the wonderful sum of £450 for Himalayan Children.
Massive thanks too, to Impact design, who provide on-going free design and printing services for all the posters, maps etc.
If you weren’t able to join us this year, do look out for the date of next year’s walk.