Gail meeting families in 2013

Ladakh Visit June 2013

Gail visited Ladakh, to check on the children we already sponsor, and she met more families who have been recommended to us as having children who would benefit from sponsored education. She also visited the Puga school for...

We visited a camp of the Changpa Nomads. The nomadic tribes still move their camp every 4 weeks or so, in order to get good grazing for their animals.

Ladakh Visit October 2012

In October 2012 Gail, the 2 other Trustees and 2 friends went on a (self-funded) fact finding trip to Ladakh to see at first hand the work of the charity. Unfortunately, one of the group suffered a mild stroke...

Ladakh Visit February 2012

Gail visited Ladakh for a week at the end of February 2012.  She had a very difficult journey there, and a hectic stay, as you can see from her notes below. Basically my days here were to see various...