The students wrote letters and sent their report cards at the end of the academic year, November 2010. Their results were varied, but each of them achieved high enough grades to be promoted to the next class (not automatic in Lamdon!).
Padma, aged 8, writes :
How are you? I hope that you were fine with the grace of god! I am also fine with my hostel mate, friends, and my family members.
About our Exam
Our final exam was finished and result have been declared. I have sent the photo copy of my report card with this letter.
As our winter has come the weather is changing day by day. In Ladakh their came a dangerous flood in which many people died and 100 were still missing. One of our staff members and his wife has also died in that flood and two students from our school were also died.
At last I wish you a happy new year and Happy Christmas day.
From your Ladakhi daughter
From Deachen, aged 9 :
First of all I would like to say thankful for your great support to my studies. Here I am sending my mark card which I got in last academic session. I am stand on 1st position in my class. I will try best to keep it up in coming year. Thank you. I will write more in next letter.
From Stanzin, also aged 9 :
Hi! As you know that everything in this universe is changing day by day, year by year, similarly I am also changing by learning each and every sense and manners in our beautiful Lamdon because of your support. How are you? I hope you are fine. I work this letter for you after finished our annual exam. In this year at my school ther was a brilliant result. More than 90% students were passed with good marks and promoted into new class. I have sent my marks card with this letter, I hope you will be satisfy my results.
My family members are fine at my village. They all wish you and your famil a very happy Christmas Day 2010. This is from my lips : “have great celebrates. I missed you.”
About Ladakh
Nowadays in Ladakh there is very cold, we use to give heater in our hostel to protect from cold. This year is too bad for us. 6th August 2010 was darkest period in the history of Ladakh. The devastation caused by a series of cloud bursts across Ladakh region is, indeed, shocking, killing 179 people and 100 are still missing. One of your staff and his wife and two students were among the victims. We offered our deepest silence prayer for these victims. After this devastation we still try to learn continuing without fear. Now I have no more news to tell you, next time I will write about my school.
Make great excitement on your auspicious day. Happy Christmas Day, Your Ladakhi son