It is always very special when sponsors receive letters from the children whose education they fund. Here are some extracts from recent letters which show just how grateful the children are for the generosity of our sponsors. The children and their families appreciate the value of education and how it is the means to improve life chances.
Gillian Islip – Trustee
First of all I would like to thank you for your continuous generous support for my education. This letter is particularly to inform you that our annual result has been declared now. I have cleared my final examination and now I’ve been promoted to the next class with great marks. This year I got good marks compared to before… I try my best. (Tsewang)
I want to tell you that because of your support I was able to complete my 9th standard with good marks. I am very thankful for your support and all the gifts you sent me. I really appreciate the opportunity you gave me and my family and I absolutely loved the gifts. (Deachen L)
Thank you for your continuous support. I will always be grateful (Tsering)

…so once again thank you for supporting me and giving me the chance to study. I am very lucky that I get the chance to study and I wish that you always stay healthy and happy. Take care. If you have time please come to Ladakh and enjoy everything.
Your Ladakhi son ,( Murup)
This letter from Deachen A who finishes her education this year, really demonstrates the problems for Ladakhi children during the COVID pandemic….
I am doing great here and will soon be completing my schooling. I am having my +2 examination this winter……This year has been very unexpected for all of us with the COVID outbreak and I personally had adjust to a lot of things….many students like me had to face a lot of problems in their studies because of poor internet connectivity. We were given online lessons…I was frustrated in the beginning because I was not able to carry on my study smoothly and only study there was no physical activity at all to help keep myself busy but slowly steadily I’ve got used to the situation and I tried to use that time in improving myself I meditate and did yoga in the morning in the noon I did my online classes and I exercise in the evening.
I will be graduating from my high school soon and this is all possible because of you . I have told you earlier and I will tell you now also that you were a blessing in disguise, an angel sent by God to help me I am very grateful. I can’t even express in words how thankful I am.
Some more letters …
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